Olam Group delivers 8.3% growth in EBIT, steady PATMI for H1 2024

    The Olam Group is the new holding company that owns 100% of ofi and the Remaining Olam Group, and 64.57% of Olam Agri, and has succeeded Olam International Limited as the public listed company on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange since 16 March 2022 following our Re-organisation (SGX: Olam Group; Bloomberg: OLG SP; Reuters: OLAG.SI). 

    SGX: VC2


    推荐几个足彩外围app目前是新加坡市值最大的30家主要上市公司之一,也是英国《推荐几个足彩外围app》全球除美国外全市值指数(FT Global All Cap Ex US Index)的新加坡成分股. Since June 2020, it has also been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series, 由富时罗素开发的全球可持续投资指数系列, following a rigorous assessment of its supply chain activities, impact on the environment and governance transparency.

    Re-organisation of Olam

    推荐几个足彩外围app组织了多元化的投资组合,创建了两个关键的运营集团, ofi (Olam Food Ingredients) and Olam Agri. The Remaining Businesses of Olam Group, comprising Nupo Ventures, Mindsprint and Olam Global Holdco, 是否专注于利用自身独特的竞争优势来推动各自的战略增长, while divesting non-core assets and businesses, nurturing and partially or fully monetising gestating businesses, and developing continuing businesses.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Which capital market is Olam listed in?  

    Shares of Olam Group Limited (SGX: VC2; ISIN: SGXE65760014) are listed and traded on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange (SGX). 推荐几个足彩外围app有限公司发行的永续证券(ISIN: SGXF39597590)和债券(ISIN: SGXF63577419)也在新加坡交易所上市交易. 



    What are the market indices in which Olam is constituent stock?

    Olam is a Singapore constituent of the FT Global All World Ex US Index. Since June 2020, it has also been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series. 自2021年推出以来,它一直是MSCI全球ESG筛选指数(USD)的成员.


    Yes, Olam is a stock under the CPF Investment Scheme. SRS investors may use their funds to purchase shares.  请向您的公积金代理银行或SRS运营商咨询执行任何股票购买或交易决定的程序.

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